Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Smile, it's Wednesday....

Took these random pictures while at different stores this past weekend. They sure make me smile and laugh, two more days to go until the weekend. Hip..hip..hooray.

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{Attempt to cut down on sugar but these cupcake are too adorable to not to snap photos of them. I won over the temptation to taste them though..hooray!}

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{Dinner on Sunday night at Zoe Kitchen: Quinoa salad. I think I will try to make this at home.}

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{No breakfast in bed for you, baby! Who do you think you are?}

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{Didn't we all once want to be that "wise" girl}

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{I totally want this sign for my parking space!}

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{Who said that?!?!?}

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{Yeah...who need it??!?}


  1. Nelah, those cupcakes are so cute. They definitely put a smile on my face! Thanks for sharing. People think because I talk about sweet things, that I'm eating them all the time. It's not the case! I get a joy out of SEEING sweet things whether in beauty, fashion etc. So join the club girl! You don't have to eat sweets to admire their beauty. I want that high maintenance sign. HAHAHAH

  2. Those cupcakes look so very delicious!

  3. That princess parking sign is awesome! Those cupcakes look great! I usually like looking at cupcakes more than eating them since I try not to eat sugar most of the time. One more day to Friday :)

    Rowena @ rolala loves

  4. haha i love that princess parking sigh! so cleaver! :)

  5. I love looking at and taking photos of cupcakes though I don't quite enjoy eating them as much. They are often too pretty for their taste. Hehehe... Love all those quotes. So witty! Love the Breakfast in Bed one and the National Sarcasm Society.


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