Monday, March 31, 2014

I Hate Sewing: First {Master} Piece

Here's part II of my sewing episode. In case you missed out the first post and are scratching your head and wondering "okay she hates sewing, then why in the world she bought a sewing machine and sew?"  {story here}

As I finished my first project, I felt as if this was such an accomplishment or a milestone (may I say that?). The person who conquered his fear over the unknown dangers and the height of Mt. Everest must have felt this way when he reached the top of the mountain (okay I am being waaaaay over exaggerate). 

As previously mentioned in the last post, I was supposed to attend a  few more sewing classes. I was lazy I only went once more. That last time, an instructor taught me about the pattern and showed how to adjust/customize to my desired size/length. Then I came home and did my own study (thanks YouTube tutorials and other free resources on the internet). I felt I could take this project in my own hand and experimented with it. 

I ended up discarding the pattern which I bought from my sewing lesson. It's a little too complicated for a beginner like moi, I need something as easy as peeling a banana if there's such thing. I wanted straightforward, easy to understand and quick instructions.Tutorials after tutorials......head scratching after head scratching.....I finally found my potential skirt making project on Etsy website - Easy Skirt Tutorial.

I proudly present my very first skirt ever in the history. I guarantee you can do it too even without a sewing machine.

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During the fabric shopping process, I knew I wanted something floral..something white with splash of colors. An instructor accompanied me and suggested what kind of fabric to use. There were not that many options when it came to floral prints at that time but this fabric really caught my attention. I kept this fabric in its bag for a few weeks because I was not sure what style of skirt I wanted to do. Then I took a closer look and questioned my selection.

Me: "Does this fabric look like a curtain?" "I start to think it looks like a fabric for curtain? (it was really in the fabric for apparel section, not home improvement section..haha)"

Husband: Hesitant to answer for 10 seconds
Me: (-_-") Hmmm....

Husband:   Kinda but why don't you try and see what it looks like as a skirt.

Me: You're right. What the heck, right?

The rest was the history, one night I just sewn it away (with just basic straight stitch) and really liked how this skirt turned out. It looks like a summer skirt with a mix of red, orange, white and yellow color range. 

Don't ask me to show you the inside seams because you may have a sudden heart attack seeing how messy my thread was. I still have some leftover fabric in this print that I plan to make a Spring/Summer scarf with.

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Next project: I got carried away buying cute fabrics at JoAnn this past weekend. Got 5 different fabrics for a little lady in my life and 2 for myself. Little girls' dresses are so adorable I think I will be very inspired to sew. Below dress style appears easy to make. Can't wait to get down, sew away and see how it looks on my daughter. Isn't that fabric super cute??

At this point, I can't say I hate sewing (but not loving it yet). Trying something you have never done or are not familiar with can be very intimidating at the beginning. It is not because "you can't do it or oh I hate it", it is more about overcoming your doubt or fear...trying something new and different. I am slowly crossing that border. Experiencing and living life to the fullest :)

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  1. love the fabric you chose! such an awesome job! and i love those 10 seconds of hesitation by husbands. it's the funniest thing ever :)

  2. Wow, good on your for taking on something that you hate! I personally do not have the patience for sewing and have always admired the ones who do it perfectly. I love the fabric you chose for the skirt!

    xx Hélène

  3. Nelah, you did a great job girl! I love the pattern and colors in the skirt. It's going to look great for Spring and Summer. You're going to have so much fun making dresses for your little girl. I think they're so cute! People are going to ask you where you got your skirt and little girl's outfits from. HAHAHA Keep it up!

  4. Hi Nelah, I have been reading along for a while now but apologies for not commenting until now - just wanted to say that you are doing a fantastic job!! Good for you! I am in the same boat as you - I never took sewing or home economics in high school, and only took a couple beginner classes in sewing. I bought a sewing machine a few months ago but have yet to use it for anything - I find it very intimidating still! So you are very inspiring!! Keep up the great work!

  5. That skirt is really cute. The floral pattern is very fun and happy. Sounds like you're slowly getting over your dislike of sewing by taking on these projects. Part of why I wanted to learn how to sew was to make my own skirts. The ones in the stores are never long enough for me.

    Rowena @ rolala loves

  6. Great job for making the first skirt! Woohoo! Sewing is not my favorite either but I do agree with you that accomplishing a task like this one definitely gave you satisfaction. I like your choice of fabric for the skirt and for mini-you =)


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