Saturday, April 11, 2015


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Gardening is satisfying and can be addictive. I never realize I enjoy gardening this much. Every year I try to grow different vegetables/fruits for more varieties. It is quite fun and interesting to see how each vegetable/flower grow and evolve. This spring I try some new vegetables such as broccoli, bok choy, napa cabbage and corn. The last 2-3 years, I never had success with green bean, corn or snap peas but this year they are taking off like crazy. I am about ready to pick my first batch of green beans and snap peas. Yum..yum.

Having an organic garden can be very challenging, no wonder why organic vegetables/fruits are so expensive. They are high maintenance. We are talking about dealing with unwanted creatures such as worms, bugs and did I say "slugs" (ewww!). My goal is to go 100% without the use of chemical. My strategy is to rid of those yucky enemies by hands (with gloves of course) which is not easy and extremely time consuming. Thanks to my little one who is not afraid of the slimy slugs, she is my garden's life saver! Some vegetables attract more pests than others. As you can see the poor cabbage has evidences all over (thanks to slugs who ate the leaves for me). Broccoli is such a breeze to grow. Snap peas and green beans have the yellow leaves at the beginning I thought they were going to die but somehow a miracle happened. Whatever it is, I am so pleased.
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  1. yummy, I love green beans and snap peas. You definitely have a green thumb!
    My dad used to have a vegetable garden that we'd help with, and it was so nice to go back there and pick up the greens for our supper, very satisfying after all that hard work.

  2. It sounds like gardening is really agreeing with you Nelah and it's really sweet that your daughter is helping you to get rid of those pesky slugs. It may be hard work but I'm sure it's all worth knowing that what you put on your table has come from your very own garden and it's nothing but good healthy food that's free of icky chemicals. They must also taste really good and it looks like the slugs think so too. I hope they'll find something like even more far away from your garden ;)

  3. that's awesome you have an organic garden! you probably don't have to do much grocery shopping for produce :)
    thanks for visiting my blog :)

  4. Nelah, your garden looks fantastic! You're doing an excellent job! Your plants have had time to mature, so each year they get better and better. There's nothing like the taste of fresh vegetables. Plus, you're teaching your daughter excellent eating habits.

  5. Your garden looks lovely! I am not sure how I'll do and I am terrified of slugs and other critters but hopefully I'll get over them ;)

  6. Your garden looks so lovely and healthy! I'm surprised at how much I enjoy gardening too. Though i'm not a fan of slugs and worms either.


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