Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Fall 2015

Just when the year 2015 is about to come to the end, I figured I popped in and updated this blog after another hiatus. Life and work have not let down. I have missed blogging but I wish I had the energy and time to sit, think and write my thoughts down like I used to. These are the recaps of our 2015 Thanksgiving. Short and sweet. Glad to be back and hope to get back in the swing of blogging again.  photo n1_zps2944gvph.jpg  photo n2_zpsuondpxip.jpg  photo n3_zpslxfjlcho.jpg  photo n4_zpsadysrvfl.jpg  photo n5_zpsqrqzur2v.jpg  photo n6_zpsljaa3vv7.jpg  photo n7_zps4rondoyz.jpg  photo n8_zpsytpkcaqw.jpg

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad to see you post Nelah. I've missed your presence on this space but I'm glad to see that you're well and happy that we can still keep up with each other on IG. You always turn out the most yummy looking treats in your kitchen. Hope you had a marvelous Christmas dear friend. Happy New Year to you and your family! May the new year bring you much happiness, good health, prosperity and a wealth of wonderful adventures :) xo


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