Thursday, April 24, 2014

Hey Beautiful!

Come and see what flowers are blooming in my backyard.
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These clovers are so pretty.


  1. They're so pretty! How wonderful to be able to come home to such beauties right in your backyard!

  2. Dearest Maysa;
    Wow, How LOVELY your flowers are♡♡♡ And your photographs are SO GORGEOUS, I wish to be able to come back the house with that lovely garden♪
    Sending you Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

  3. Hello lovely flowers! Nice to meet all of you ;)

  4. You have these in your backyard? I love greenery. Your place looks so colourful. Thank you, season of Spring!

    I just read back the comment of yours on my 7 facts post. You are so lovely; thank you so much. I'm trying to control bread too - carbs carbs carbs!

    Rosemary X

  5. It must make you so happy to see these pretty blooms popping up in your backyard! Just seeing these photos made me smile.

    Rowena @ rolala loves

  6. Those are gorgeous Nelah. I have a couple of purple ones (like the one's in your first couple of pics) popping up in my lawn. They must've been seeds from another yard! HAHAHAHA Enjoy them! Gorgeous colors.


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