Sunday, May 11, 2014

Disney Memories

Let the photos tell the story...  photo d4_zps34e7b06e.jpg  photo d3_zps64432110.jpg  photo d10_zps8bc37ba4.jpg  photo z8_zps1a55ac80.jpg  photo d9_zpsae288a35.jpg  photo d7_zps1fd72f01.jpg  photo d5_zpse5f77c0a.jpg  photo d6_zpsc21aced4.jpg  photo z2_zps76aa015b.jpg  photo z1_zpsbd1dcec0.jpg  photo z4_zpsae0d0c0c.jpg  photo z7_zps4d4e4a90.jpg  photo z5_zps4a481841.jpg  photo z6_zpsa1b17a5d.jpg  photo z12_zps6c9c74e9.jpg  photo z3_zpsf716663f.jpg  photo z9_zps14af5c4e.jpg  photo z11_zpsec66c2dc.jpg  photo z10_zps08d22fa6.jpg  photo z13_zps290b7e72.jpg  photo z17_zps998c32d5.jpg  photo z15_zpsfe160ed9.jpg  photo z16_zps2b8db7c1.jpg


  1. Your pictures make me want to go back!

  2. Looks like so much fun! My kids will definitely enjoy going someday. So much to see and do! Actually, theyre already asking about it after seeing a preview in one of the Disney movies. They call it Mickey's castle, lol! Thanks for sharing the photos.

  3. Looks so awesome. I know it was a tough day for you but I hope the little one had fun.

  4. What a wonderful treat for your little princess! Great photos Nelah!

    Rowena @ rolala loves

  5. awww looks like a lovely time. i love eeyore! the princess signing the little book reminds me of a time during girl scout camp one summer when i was working as a kitchen staff (i was like in junior high) and i was up at camp for disney weekend. at the end there is a parade of disney characters and i was snow white and afterwards the little brownie and daisy girl scouts came up to us, the characters, and asked for our signatures. i had to sign "snow white". it was so much fun :) my husband and i were talking about going to orlando again. we love going there even as adults!

  6. omgossh loveeee!!! your pictures look amazing. it's been so many years since i've been back it looks like there's a lot of changes! i want to go to animal kingdom so badly!

    what are those bracelets you're wearing.. is that to pay for food and things?? is it cheaper?

    the meal you had at cinderella's castle looks sooo yum the desserts are so adorable!

    i love the pictures of your daughter w/ the different disney princesses!

  7. Wow I need to be here right now. I thought Disney was overrated until I saw this! Those ice cream cones in particular look very tempting. Rosemary x

  8. Nelah, I wanted to cry when I saw the pics of your daughter with the various princesses. So touching! I know she was thrilled to "meet" them. Oh it touched my heart. Also the picture with her dad! What a fabulous time! Girl, I would've gone bonkers in those gift shops. They make you want everything!
    Thanks for sharing these.


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