Thursday, May 1, 2014

Floral Friday: While Walking {Spotting Many Blackberry Flowers}

Hello May (already)???
I am joining Trishie and participating her "Floral Friday: While Walking" over at Under Lock and Key blog.
Have you ever wondered how blackberries turn from beautiful flowers to such yummy little antioxidant packed fruit? We bought a blackberry plant a few years ago and planted in our backyard. This year we spotted so many flowers which means we are going to have plenty of blackberries to eat in  a few weeks to come. Yay!
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  1. i had no idea! so cool!! blackberries are one of my fav berries! :)

  2. How cool that you have a blackberry plant in your backyard! Their blooms are beautiful.

  3. This is the first time I've seen a blackberry flower. So pretty! I think it's awesome you have a blackberry plant growing in your backyard, I bet you can't wait to eat them when they fruit. Thank you for participating in Floral Friday! Have a great weekend ahead.

    PS: I noticed you haven't linked up on linky tools so I did it for you. Hope that's ok.

  4. i had no idea there were blackberry flowers. they are beautiful! and you're so lucky to have them growing in your backyard!

  5. Actually I never knew that blackberries came from flowers and such pretty ones at that. What lovely plants to have in your garden Nelah!

    Rowena @ rolala loves

  6. We have wild blackberries in the woods behind our house but I've never looked at them this way. You've captured them beautifully!!

  7. Blackberries are YUM Nelah! You guys are going to have a blast once they come. The year is flying by. We're nearly half way there. Unbelievable.

  8. Blackberries are delicious, I feel so jelly :DD

  9. Great that you have a blackberry plant growing and what fun it will be picking them off the plant. I loved seeing your photos.
    You will need to keep the birds away from them - I know when I have had strawberry plants growing the birds would try to feast on the fruit.

    Happy weekend

  10. These photos are so beautiful! It was lovely to discover your blog through the blog hop :-)
    We recently purchased some berries - I can't wait until they have grown enough to bare fruit! We planted a blueberry, Logan & bosen berry :-)

  11. oh wow, never knew what sort of flower blackberries had, very pretty and with the added bonus of delicious berries too!

  12. Oooh blackberries. I love growing things in the allotment (they don't usually fare well in UK weather) and if plants both fruit and flower, I take that as a bonus. Your blackberry plant looks very pretty. I have emailed Trishie and am thinking of joining the clan too, but my photographs aren't great and there aren't many flowers where I am at the moment so this could be a problem. I'll see how it goes. Hope you're having fun with it, at least. Rosemary x

  13. oh wow.. i had never known that black berries grew like that.


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