Friday, July 4, 2014

Floral Friday: Flower in Focus

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Zinnia is one of my most favorite flowers in my backyard. It comes in a wide range of bright and stunning colors which can give any area a good pop of color. They are blooming beautifully right now under the hot summer sun, I only hope they will continue to thrive as the heat becomes more intense in July and August here in the state of Texas. I find Zinnia to be such unique and adorable. As you can see in the middle, it has this cute star shape pollen (I guess those are pollens).

Floral Friday is a monthly photography project with different themes each month initiated by Trishie at Under Lock and Key blog. This series is about fun and taking time out to smell the flowers.

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  1. Pretty flowers and in the most gorgeous colours - my Mother used to grow Zinnias.
    Thanks for sharing
    happy Independence day

  2. How pretty and vibrant! I love the star shaped pollen and thanks for sharing these photos and facts about the zinnia. Wishing you a great weekend!

  3. Hi Maysa,

    Your zinnias are very pretty and look very healthy, too! I noticed that the stems are clear of too much leafy foliage. Do you cut them back? I live in a very hot and dry Mediterranean climate and this week, we've been hit with horrible heatwaves and wind storms and the leaves on my zinnias are dry and chipped. I just cut off those burnt leaves and hope that they rejuvenate the flower, too!

    Happy weekend!


  4. Oh I LOVE "Zinnia" as well; Especially the the star shaped pollen♡♡♡ Such a BEAUTY(*^_^*)

    Sending you Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

  5. Hello Maysa
    Zinnias are one of my fave summer flowers - especiallyy those jewel colours!
    I grow them in tubs and they bloom for months.
    Love your white picket fence too!
    Happy 4th July - enjoy the celebrations!

  6. Beautiful flowers! Even the pollen is pretty :)

  7. I love your zinnias. They are gorgeous in purple and pink. I never knew how pretty zinnias were until now.
    Love the star shapes inside the flower too!

  8. Nelah you make me want to grow a garden! And I don't have a green thumb! HaHaHa Those flowers are gorgeous.

  9. I love Zinnias and yours are beautiful. Don't they look perfect next to that white picket fence?
    Have a good weekend


  10. I love the little peeks into your garden Nelah! It must be such a happy place :) We have zinnias in the garden downstairs in our apt. complex and seeing them always makes me smile.

    Rowena @ rolala loves

  11. they are so sweet! i love them as well! your garden has so many wonderful greens and colors!

  12. You've captured these sweet flowers beautifully!!

  13. Hi Dear,
    your pictures are so lovely, they make me feel happy and smile - they are real summer and fun and joy! Thank you for sharing!
    Have a happy happy weekend and all my best from Austria


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