Saturday, February 21, 2015

Fondue and us..

February is a special month for our marriage. It is our anniversary month and this year my husband and I celebrated our 11th anniversary, with our little one and a mother in law at the fondue place. Quite an interesting for an anniversary celebration I suppose.  

First I didn't plan on doing anything special until the day of. We never really celebrated our anniversary in the past 9 -10years or so because we are crazy or hopeless romantic. Most of the time, I even forgot. So this was more like a spur of the moment kind of thing. The concept of fondue is fun and I thought our little one would enjoy it too so why not? We dipped, ate, dipped and ate some more. We started with cheese fondue that came with some fruits and bread. Followed by the main course (duck, beef, salmon) and had a sweet chocolate ending. It was quite a fun and delicious celebration.

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  1. Happy 11th anniversary to you and your husband Nelah! May you be blessed with many more blissful years together. Fondue is a lovely way to celebrate and it's fun too. My husband and I celebrated our 13th anniversary at the start of the month and we went to for Korean bbq which is not exactly but it is our favorite :) Hope you've been well!

    Rowena @ rolala loves

  2. Happy Anniversary Nelah! I love fondue! I've been meaning to get to the Melting Pot before it gets warmer. It may have to wait until next year, as I've been really busy. So glad you guys celebrated and together with family! SO NICE! Everything looked delicious.

  3. Happy anniversary! I haven't been to a fondue place in years. That looks like so much fun!


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