Tuesday, March 25, 2014

A Journey to a Sounthern State

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This past weekend my husband and I embarked on a trip to a neighboring state, a charming and fun city - New Orleans or NOLA that is. This was somewhat our 10th year anniversary trip. Why NOLA you asked? The decision was not easy as you may think. Two cities came to our minds upon deciding on where to go - New York (my choice) or New Orleans (my husband's choice). We argued debated on and off for a few weeks and our debate got more intense in the last three days. Two years ago we were supposed to attend a wedding of a friend in NOLA but couldn't so this city was hung up in the air for awhile. So we finally came to a conclusion to visit NOLA, it was a good choice indeed.

I reached out to my sweetest blog friend who lives in New Orleans, Kim of A Very Sweet Blog, two years ago and she made me a wonderful list of major sightseeing and restaurants. Big thank to you again Kim :)

My husband has a passion for a train, this guy is fascinated
with train since young. Upon knowing that there is a passenger train that goes to NOLA, he was not hesitant to suggest that idea. I am the kind of person who cares less about scenery but rather get to my destination as fast as possible and spend time there. The thought of sitting in a train for 9 hours was not very appealing (he initially wanted to do round trip which would total up to 18 hours on train). Yet again after more debate, we compromised and settled on one way train ride from Houston to New Orleans (9 hours) and one way plane ride back home (1 hour). It was not as boring as I thought, I brought along a few books which I hadn't had a chance to read since my little one was born. We got a roomette which was a private room so we had our own little area. We ate lunch and dinner. The food was not bad, better than food served on the plane but I wouldn't say it's fantastic.

Will share more photos about this charming city in the next post.
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  1. Wow, that looks like fun. My husband would love to go on the train as well. Ive always wanted to go to new orleans but never had a chance. Hopefully i can talk my hubby into going sometimes. Im looking forward to read more about your trip.

  2. how fun! i love the idea of going on a trip on a train. :) and i've been to nola once. it's a beautiful city! it's definitely a place i would want to go back!

  3. Exploring a neighboring state sounds like a really fun idea for an extended weekend. I'd be a little worried about being bored on a train ride as well but it looks like you were able to pass the time just fine. It's nice that you can get a private room. I would totally do that too. I hope you win and get to come to New York next time :)

    Rowena @ rolala loves

  4. hey nelah! i didn't know you guys traveled by train. i think that's so awesome. i want to experience that myself. my mom, as a little girl would take the train from here to cincinnati for the summer. i think it's something everyone should experience. the food looked good on the train. i may take it from here to Chicago or something. it's definitely an idea. you can see so much of the countryside :). i would love to go to New York one day too. you'll get to go. there's a place and time for everything.


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